- Bottom-Up Analysis of Single Case-Research Parker, R.I. & Vannest, K.J. (2012). Bottom Up Analysis of Single-Case Research Designs. Journal of Behavioral Education, 17 (1), 254-265. doi 10.1007/s 10864-012-9 153-1
- Incorporating nonoverlap indices with visual analysis Brossart, D., Vannest, K.J. *Davis, J.L. & *Patience, M. (2014). Incorporating non-overlap indices with visual analysis for quantifying intervention effectiveness in single-case experimental designs. Neuropsychological Rehabilitation.1-28. doi=10.1080/09602011.2013.868361 (ISI 2.159)
- Interrater Agreement Between Visual Analysts of Single-Case Data: A Meta-Analysis Ninci, J., Vannest, K.J., Willson, V., Zhang, N (2015). Interrater Agreement between visual analysts of single-case data: A meta-analysis. Behavior Modification
- Theil Sen Slope for High-Stakes Decisions from Progress Monitoring Vannest, K.J., Parker, R.I., Davis, J.L., Soares,D.A., & *Smith, S.L. (2012). The Theil-sen slope for high-stakes decisions from progress monitoring. Behavioral Disorders, 24 (4), 271-280.
- (GROT) GRAPH ROTATION TO CONTROL TREND Parker, R.I., Vannest, K.J., *Davis, J.L. (2012). Simple graph rotation to control baseline trend within data non-overlap (GROT). Journal of Special Education, 46 (2), DOI 10.1177/0022466912456430
- TAU-U Parker, R.I., Vannest, K.J., Davis, J.L., *Sauber, S.B. (2010). Combining non-overlap and trend for single case research: Tau-U.Behavior Therapy. 42, 284–299. DOI: 10.1016/j.beth.2010.08.006.
- REVIEW OF NINE NON-OVERLAP TECHNIQUES Parker, R.I., Vannest, K.J., *Davis, J.L. (2010). Effect size in single case research: A review of nine non-overlap techniques. Behavior Modification. 35(4), 302-322. DOI: 10.1177/0145445511399147
- IMPROVEMENT RATE DIFFERENCE Parker, R.I, Vannest, K.J., & *Brown, L.M. (2009). The improvement rate difference for single case research. Exceptional Children, 75 (2), 135-150.
- NAP – NON-OVERLAP OF ALL PAIRS Parker, R.I., & Vannest, K.J. (2009). An improved effect size for single case research: Non-overlap of all pairs (NAP). Behavior Therapy. (40) 357-367.
- PAND – PERCENT OF ALL NON-OVERLAPPING DATA Parker, R., Hagan-Burke, S., & Vannest, K. J. (2007) PAND: an alternative to PND. Journal of Special Education, 40 (4), 194-204.
- EFFECT SIZES IN SCR: How large is large? Parker, R. I., Brossart, D. F., Vannest, K. J., Long, J. R., *De-Alba, R. G., Baugh, F. G., & Sullivan, J. R. (2005). Effect sizes in single case research: How large is large? School Psychology Review, 34 (1), 116-132.
- BOTTOM UP ANALYSIS Parker, R.I. & Vannest, K.J. (2012) Bottom Up Analysis of Single-Case Research Designs. Journal of Behavioral Education. DOI 10.1007/10864-012-9 153-1
- SEVEN RELIABILITY INDICES *Smith, S., Vannest, K.J., *Davis, J. L. (2011). Seven reliability indices for high stakes decision-making: description, selection, and simple calculation. Psychology in the Schools. 48 (10), 1064-1075.
- PROGRESS MONITORING LOW ACHIEVERS Vannest, K.J., Parker R.I., & *Dyer, N. (2011). Progress monitoring in Grade 5 Science for low achievers. Journal of Special Education, 44 (4), 221-233. doi: 10.1177/002246690934312.
- DEFENSIBLE PROGRESS MONITORING Parker, R.I., Vannest, K.J., *Davis, J.L., & Clemens, N.H. (2012). Defensible progress monitoring data for medium/high-stakes decisions. Journal of Special Education. doi:10.1177/0022466910376837 (first published online in 2010)